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"Come to me, all you who are weary and" burdened, and I will give you rest

Matthew 11 : 28

About Us

We exist to plant local churches that develop fully devoted disciples of Christ among Sri Lankans within the country and the Sri Lankan Diaspora around the world. We will experience a sense of fulfilment when we see the increase in local church plants for the Sinhala, Tamil and English speaking Sri Lankans. We will strive to see all five purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism and mission being established and functioning in each local church. We desire to do this work in accordance to New Testament principles for ministry and ultimately for the Glory of God”


We are in your corner and would love the opportunity to believe God with you !

Simply text the word “Prayer ” to +94773030415

With God , all things are possible

(Matthew 19:26)

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Our Overseas Church Locations

Gethsemane Gospel Church - Lebanon

Gethsemane Gospel Church - Dubai